Latest commodity News

U.S. securities regulator Gary Gensler
Business 19 April 2023

Republicans to SEC’s Gensler: Leave ‘crypto’ alone!

Gary Gensler took a jab from Rep. Patrick McHenry after claiming that the 'crypto' market is noncompliant with the law, with the latter saying that the SEC hasn't even clarified the statute of digital assets.

Bitcoin SV as a commodity
Business 23 September 2021

Bitcoin SV as a commodity

Bitcoin is “electronic cash,” right? However, why does the title of the Bitcoin white paper say, “electronic cash system”? We should pay attention to the various voices that point out: BSV is a commodity.

Why it matters that Bitcoin is a commodity, on Bitcoin Class with Satoshi
Tech 3 August 2021

Why it matters that Bitcoin is a commodity

In the latest episode of the "Bitcoin Class with Satoshi" series with sCrypt's Xiaohui Liu, Dr. Craig Wright draws a strong distinction between Bitcoin (as BSV) and other blockchain digital assets.

Editorial 8 July 2021

BSV as a data standard

If BSV is going to be something other than just another Ponzi scheme, then the blockchain must be used for something other than just a store of value, Jerry Chan writes.

Bitcoin image
Editorial 2 December 2020

Commodity barter is legal—so is BitCoin

BitCoin was legal at creation; commoditizing data with protocol rules violates no laws—anymore than inventing the container, John Pitts writes.