Latest Bitcoin Whitepaper News

BSV blockchain now twice as large as BTC
Business 8 September 2021

BSV blockchain now twice as large as BTC

A neutral analysis of the data shows that BSV is winning by the number of daily transactions, block sizes, and frequently miner profitability.

MNP report: BSV is the real Bitcoin
Business 7 September 2021

MNP report: BSV is the real Bitcoin

MNP looked at the original whitepaper and compared the current expressions of BTC and Bitcoin SV (BSV) to determine which blockchain represented the true original vision for Bitcoin.

Editorial 2 September 2021

Bitcoin politics

There is an assumption among some people that all bitcoiners fit into easily defined collectivist silos of one political variety or another, Kurt Wuckert Jr. writes.

Ian Grigg on Satoshi Nakamoto
Interviews 12 August 2021

Ian Grigg: How I learnt the full story of Satoshi Nakamoto

In the second of a two-part interview for this week’s CoinGeek Conversations, Ian Grigg explains how wanting to help protect the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin led to his discovery that Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi.

Editorial 9 August 2021

‘The Bitcoin Standard’: A review

Online reviews, social media posts, and Twitter bios echo similar sentiments: the book is apparently revelatory and life-changing, putting people on The Bitcoin Standard pathway, initiating them into the HODL culture of BTC maximalism.