Latest Bitcoin Whitepaper News

13th Anniversary Bitcoin Whitepaper
Editorial 31 October 2021

People died for Bitcoin: A white paper story

On the 13th anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper, there is a more solemn history to recall and recount. Stories that deserve to be told are not often told because they are inconvenient, frustrating or outdated to modern sensibilities.

Why have so few of the Craig Wright lawsuits reached trial?
Business 29 October 2021

Why have so few of the Craig Wright lawsuits reached trial?

The long-time-coming Kleiman v Wright trial is now upon us, and many of the other legal battles have disappeared quicker than they came. In fact, Kleiman will be the first of Dr. Wright’s cases to make it to trial.

Kleiman v Wright 2021: Who is Dave Kleiman?
Business 28 October 2021

Kleiman v Wright 2021: Who is Dave Kleiman?

Dr. Craig S. Wright’s upcoming court battle with the brother of his late friend and colleague Dave Kleiman puts Bitcoin’s creator in a no-win situation—one that has nothing to do with control over the world’s largest stash of BTC.

Happy Birthday Satoshi Nakamoto!
Events 23 October 2021

Happy Birthday Satoshi Nakamoto!

When Satoshi published the Bitcoin whitepaper at just 39 years of age, the world was in chaos following the 2007-08 financial crisis. Now Satoshi is finally seeing his brainchild become what he envisioned in Bitcoin SV.

a bitcoin half buried in sand
Editorial 22 October 2021

Craig Wright, Dune and the Satoshi myth

Dune is the not the typical white savior trope that we see in countless stories throughout history, rather it is an examination of the dangers that heroes present to the people they give promise to.

Bitcoin: Every sat matters
Editorial 22 October 2021

Bitcoin: Every sat matters

The smallest individual unit in Bitcoin is often called the “satoshi” or the “sat” for short, but does every sat matter if not every sat can be used equally on the network?

Craig Wright files revealing Defence in COPA case
Business 28 September 2021

Craig Wright files revealing Defence in COPA case

The Alliance is only the latest of Dr. Craig Wright’s critics to claim to embrace a legal battle with him. Dr. Wright has been consistent that he’s only interested in responding to challenges against him if it’s in court.

Bitcoin SV as a commodity
Business 23 September 2021

Bitcoin SV as a commodity

Bitcoin is “electronic cash,” right? However, why does the title of the Bitcoin white paper say, “electronic cash system”? We should pay attention to the various voices that point out: BSV is a commodity.