Latest Bitcoin Association News

Transak logo with blockchain background
Press Releases 30 March 2023

Bitcoin SV is now listed on

Transak users can now buy, store, and sell BSV following its new listing—a move focused on providing a seamless user experience for businesses and individuals embracing digital currencies.

I quit word on paper being written using type writer business concept
Business 23 February 2023

BTC Core maintainer Marco Falke resigns

Falke joins other BTC Core code devs who announced they would resign from their commit-access roles in the past two years, which include Wladimir van der Laan, Samuel Dobson, and John Newbery.

BitcoinSV and Coinstore logo
Press Releases 6 February 2023

Bitcoin SV listed on

Bitcoin SV joins a selective list of digital assets available on Coinstore, with the new listing pointing to its continued growth in major regions such as the Philippines and India.

Bitcoin Association logo
Editorial 28 December 2022

Bitcoin Association letter to Governor Hochul

In this letter to Hochul, the Bitcoin Association highlights its efforts to reduce emissions associated with Bitcoin mining while urging the city to explore other utilities to slash carbon footprints.