What’s more important: Community or Utility?
Patrick Thompson highlights the underlying importance of building a community when establishing a good business, which is often overshadowed by...
You’ll own everything, and you will be happy
Instead of competing for an exclusive network effect, interoperability creates a unique environment where developers and clients from all walks...
Bitcoin’s success relies on it being used, not HODL’d
The value of BSV will only grow if holders actually use them to transact—be it sending, receiving, or paying for...
The struggle for the true Bitcoin: BTC, BCH or BSV
Marquez Comelab gives an in-depth discussion on how two clashing groups led to the split of Bitcoin and the importance...
Humans of BSV
Here are the people who deserve a lot of credit for making 2022 awesome by leading the way, working hard,...
Dear Elon Musk: Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin has the ability to scale
In this letter to Elon Musk, Bryan Daugherty explained his different view on blockchain technology utility, specifically proof-of-work consensus mechanisms...
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