Many gold bitcoins
Editorial 30 November 2021

Bitcoin and disruptive innovation

In this article, Timothy explains how there are no shortages of proposed blockchain applications and delve into disruptive innovation and how it occurs in the digital currency industry.

Editorial 27 November 2021

Chillax on Robinhood Crypto

Timothy Merkle offers an unpopular opinion that Robinhood’s recent decisions are reasonable, stating that the company is under no obligation to provide market access as its users demand.

Editorial 25 February 2021

Double-entry vs triple-entry accounting

The term triple-entry accounting adds a third component known as the Bitcoin network with underlying blockchain technology to the double entry accounting in order to link every aspect of a transaction.

Business 9 October 2020

Thank You CoinGeek Live Sponsors

CoinGeek Live 2020 wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our sponsors, the true pioneers of the Bitcoin ecosystem.