Latest Editorial News

Solana: Just reboot it
Editorial 16 September 2021

Solana: Just reboot it

Solana had a transaction flood incident which split the network as validators came out of sync with one another under a possible denial of service attack. Their solution? Just reboot it.

CoinGeek conference: It's about time
Editorial 14 September 2021

Bitcoin SV adopted by ‘other nations’?

There has been a remarkable slip of the tongue by Dr. Craig Wright at the last CoinGeek conference in Zurich. What was it about? Why is it important?

Editorial 13 September 2021

Bitcoin: The deficient market hypothesis

Many people ask why is BSV so cheap compared to BTC? Such questions are at the heart of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), a cornerstone of modern finance theory.

El Salvador, BTC and fascism
Editorial 9 September 2021

El Salvador, BTC and fascism

When it was announced that El Salvador would be using “bitcoin” as legal tender in the third world nation and that businesses would be forced to accept it as payment small blockers jumped for joy, Kurt Wuckert Jr. writes.

Editorial 2 September 2021

Bitcoin politics

There is an assumption among some people that all bitcoiners fit into easily defined collectivist silos of one political variety or another, Kurt Wuckert Jr. writes.

Editorial 1 September 2021

Why speculators failed betting on Bitcoin SV for now

The BSV blockchain obviously is the best utility blockchain in the world. How come the price action is—at least for now—kind of disappointing compared to some of the other digital assets?

Babysitting Bitcoin
Editorial 31 August 2021

Babysitting Bitcoin

A better parable to connect real-world economics and blockchain is the Capitol Hill babysitting co-op, Neil Smith writes.

Editorial 26 August 2021

Elon Musk, you will love BSV

Bitcoin SV is an unlimited implementation of Bitcoin, which allows the highest throughput of transactions per megawatt in the entire blockchain space.

Is BTC the ugly digital gold?
Editorial 24 August 2021

Is BTC the ugly digital gold?

BTC does indeed have something in common with gold—but not the way BTCers would like it to be, Dr. Michael Wehrmann writes.

Jordan Peters
Editorial 12 August 2021

Open letter to Jordan Peterson

In this piece, CoinGeek’s Chief Bitcoin Historian Kurt Wuckert Jr. seeks to give Jordan Peterson a contrarian view about Bitcoin with some often-ignored facts.

Editorial 9 August 2021

‘The Bitcoin Standard’: A review

Online reviews, social media posts, and Twitter bios echo similar sentiments: the book is apparently revelatory and life-changing, putting people on The Bitcoin Standard pathway, initiating them into the HODL culture of BTC maximalism.

The empire strikes back
Editorial 4 August 2021

The empire strikes back

The malicious reorganization attacks on the BSV blockchain were simply an act of terrorism meant to scare away investors and dry up liquidity by closing down exchange hubs, Kurt Wuckert Jr. writes.

Editorial 3 August 2021

Bitcoin liberation: A retrospective

It’s been four years since the split of the Bitcoin protocol away from the coup d’etat called “UASF” which activated Segregated Witness on the BTC network.

Editorial 29 July 2021

The Mastercard Bitcoin conspiracy

Bitcoin was disruptive, so Mastercard muzzled it, using “number go up” as lubrication to shut down the narrative of Bitcoin being a true fintech revelation, Kurt Wuckert Jr. writes.

Editorial 29 July 2021

Bitcoin and source of funds

Bitcoins have a history attached to them. The transactional history of a Bitcoin cannot be hidden. That means one is always trading a specific Bitcoin when selling it for fiat money, Dr. Michael Wehrmann writes.

Editorial 27 July 2021

Are we private keys? Bitcoin and identity

If your identity is a private key, you are the private key. If we become numbers, we become exchangeable like numbers, Dr. Michael Wehrmann writes.

Binance Logo
Editorial 19 July 2021

Is Binance being delisted by banks?

First of all, it was the BSV blockchain space that had the “build” mantra instead of the “hodl” narrative since day one. In Bitcoin SV, we early on warned our readers of the hodl-mentality.