Search Results for: london blockchain conference

London Blockchain Conference 2024 banner
Press Releases 12 October 2023

The London Blockchain Conference 2024 announces open call for content

LBC 2024 is calling on visionaries and experts from various sectors to submit their ground-breaking ideas, innovative projects, and thought-provoking topics that will shape the discourse around blockchain technology, real-world applications, and transformative impact on society.

London Blockchain Conference with London background
Press Releases 26 May 2023

London blockchain conference reveals exciting line-up of keynote speakers

Actor and author Ben McKenzie will join a much-anticipated Keynote Roundtable that will delve into why regulation is needed for blockchain technology to be globally adopted, while well-known investor and ‘Gold Bug’ Peter Schiff will delve into how he feels blockchain can add value to a gold monetary system.