Latest BSV blockchain News

Todd Price, Evan Freeman, and Kevin Healy on CoinGeek Backstage
Interviews 10 January 2024

The Philippines can become blockchain capital of the world

In this CoinGeek Backstage episode, BSV Blockchain Association’s Todd Price, Kevin Healy, and Evan Freeman explore diverse use cases for the Philippines' national advancement, citing government and private sector initiatives.

Bitcoin SV 2024 predictions
Editorial 9 January 2024

A glimpse into the future of Bitcoin

2024 rings in new hurdles for Bitcoin, with a new civil war likely erupting, all while giving ample space for silver linings such as the launch of Teranode and the steady fight for Satoshi's vision.

Bitcoin's 15th birthday
Events 9 January 2024

Happy 15th Birthday, Bitcoin!

On Bitcoin's 15th birthday, Satoshi's vision for a scalable electronic cash system is alive and thriving—the BSV blockchain is the original Bitcoin, and it is scaling to levels Dr. Craig Wright always said were possible.