Bitcoin halving
How to create smart contracts on Bitcoin
High-level smart contract language sCrypt is basically Solidity for Bitcoin and easily allows creators to achieve Satoshi’s Vision.
Bitcoin History Part 2: ‘We were all big blockers, except Greg’
Part 2 of the Bitcoin History series explores the 2012-2016 era as well as the personalities in the Bitcoin economy.
Bitcoin History Part 1: The early days—Satoshi, no limits, 184B Bitcoins and on-chain poker game
In this series, Kurt Wuckert Jr. talks about why the halvenings is a guide stone in the history of Bitcoin.
How TAAL sees the Bitcoin long game: CEO Jerry Chan
New TAAL CEO Jerry Chan describes how comparing coin prices versus hashing power around halving times is short-term thinking.
Binance doubles down on hampered BTC network
Binance Pool has received mixed responses from the digital community, with some fearing the service will result in a further...
Bitcoin Association goes to Switzerland
The Bitcoin Association has officially become a non-profit association in Switzerland, a move that will prove to be significant in...
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