Bitcoin SV
TAAL’s 309MB Bitcoin block record shows BSV’s capabilities
The record-making block, on the Bitcoin mainnet, was 309MB in size and contained 1,178,322 mostly-small and regular transactions.
Bitcoin Suisse research shows why BSV is undervalued
The research notes it is worth it to take a look through the social media-driven smokescreen and pay attention to...
David Washburn: nChain to ignite global adoption and use of Bitcoin
The nChain CEO talks to CoinGeek’s Johanna Botta about the latest projects underway at the blockchain research company.
Bitcoin and the Distributed Idea Suppression Complex
Bitcoin SV is forced to fight the “DISC” that has emerged in the digital currency ecosystem, according to Connor Murray.
BSV exchange FloatSV adds Paymail support, implements TradingView
FloatSV is simplifying experience for Bitcoin SV users, with the addition of Paymail support and TradingView implementation.
Soaring BTC fees are hurting the community
The recent price surge is a sign the BTC network reached its imposed limits governing how well it can serve...
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