Why a position of ‘anti-patents’ is bad for business
Eli Afram delves into patents and how damaging it can be, in today’s society, to reject patents altogether.
The problem with Twitter’s new Bitcoin emoji
Twitter’s Bitcoin emoji has been controversial, mainly because it appears automatically when users type the Bitcoin and BTC hashtags, but...
BSV is the original Bitcoin: Where BTC and BCH went wrong
Patrick Thompson takes a closer look why Bitcoin SV is the only version of Bitcoin that stays true to the...
The next Genesis: Bitcoin’s two beginnings
Kurt Wuckert Jr. talks about Bitcoin’s second beginning—Genesis—and why it’s been a long time coming.
Clueless pundits don’t understand Bitcoin
Bitcoin's 700,000 transactions per day is evidence of "price manipulation" and "fake activity," according to two observers.
The art of cognitive dissonance in Bitcoin
For anyone involved in Bitcoin, the alignment of beliefs to behaviours is tested regularly as part of the necessary evolution...
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