Vol 84.98m
Vol 64602.47m
Vol 310.63m
Vol 568.16m
Vol 3387.48m


Bitcoin SV’s real enemy is anti-growth mentality
23 January, 2020

Bitcoin SV’s real enemy is anti-growth mentality

In his “Information and Capitalism” piece, Twetch CEO Josh Petty lays out a bright future for humanity and hints at...
Peter Schiff Exposes Mindless Rhetoric of BTC Backers
21 January, 2020

Peter Schiff Exposes Mindless Rhetoric of BTC Backers

Peter Schiff has been a staunch critic of BTC and cryptocurrencies generally for almost a decade now. Peter has shown

The future ecosystem of Bitcoin
20 January, 2020

The future ecosystem of Bitcoin

Jerry Chan of Bitcoin Association clarifies the incorrect assumption that all nodes on the Bitcoin network are all supposed to...
Will Bitcoin SV topple the incumbents of the fintech and the payment industry like Netflix toppled Blockbuster?
19 January, 2020

Will Bitcoin SV topple the incumbents of the fintech and the payment industry like Netflix toppled Blockbuster?

Marquez Comelab discusses how the Bitcoin SV network can potentially erode the dominance of current power brands in fintech and...
Bitcoin is not divided: A message to those who don’t yet understand Bitcoin
17 January, 2020

Bitcoin is not divided: A message to those who don’t yet understand Bitcoin

There is a division between those who understand Bitcoin and those who don’t—but the good news is that this is...
BSV flips BCH, reaches new all-time high in process
15 January, 2020

BSV flips BCH, reaches new all-time high in process

Bitcoin SV overtook BCH in both unit price and market cap, while reaching an all-time-high price at the same time.