Latest BRC-20 News

Bitcoin Year End 2023
Editorial 19 December 2023

Bitcoin 2023 Year in review

This year showed the calm before the storm: the market seems to be heating up for a 2024 bull market, the next Bitcoin halving, and the COPA v Wright trial will kick the year off early.

close up image of bitcoin placed on blue circuit board
Tech 29 November 2023

Bitcoin is the exchange

sCrypt released a blog and implementation of token limit orders using Bitcoin script—an evolution of the on-chain Order Lock technology, allowing purchases of tokens and NFTs directly on-chain.

Joshu Henslee on CG Backstage
Business 17 July 2023

How will Ordinals affect Bitcoin?

In this podcast, Joshua Henslee goes in-depth on the impact of Ordinals on Bitcoin, the value of costs, and why he will remain a BSV blockchain player despite all the action in BTC nowadays.

Concept Of Virtual Wallet And Bitcoins On Printed Circuit Board
Business 25 May 2023

On-chain trading is the future of online commerce

Many economists and pundits are questioning the necessity of blockchain technology, as they ask what is the purpose of the Bitcoin system, if it requires the use of banking, accounts and dollars to operate.

Bitcoin on top of Money stack, against blurry background
Editorial 17 May 2023

BRC-20 and Bitcoin NFTs—A new era for Bitcoin?

Thanks to the smart folks who created the Ordinals, the BTC network exploded with activity recently, but sadly the network performance slowed to a halt, forcing even Binance to halt withdrawals.

3D rendering of floating gold Bitcoins and stack of silver coins
Business 15 May 2023

BRC-20 tokens prove demand for on-chain exchange

BTC proved it could tokenize with BRC-20 hitting a $100 million market cap, shattering the 'crypto' industry's long-held assumption that it wasn't capable and opening a new era in the digital currency space.