Latest Bitcoin transactions News

Many golden bitcoins
Tech 19 January 2022

Threshold signatures to go prime time

One of the most underappreciated technological developments that have been vastly overlooked since the advent of blockchain technology is that of threshold signatures.

bsv word black chart
Business 28 December 2021

Why transaction volume matters

Once again, we're seeing a massive surge in on-chain transactions on BSV, which just surpassed 3 million transactions this week, leaving blockchains like BTC, Ethereum, and XRP ledger in the dust.

Business 20 December 2021

BSV daily transactions surpass other chains

As app development on the BSV blockchain proceeds at a breakneck pace, the number of on-chain transactions will increase, and the value of fees inside blocks will steadily climb higher.

binary numbers forming a bitcoin logo
Tech 7 December 2021

The mystery of the Genesis block

When the Bitcoin software was announced in 2009, it was important that nodes joining the network could build a common history of the blockchain. Satoshi Nakamoto accomplished this by hardcoding in the “Genesis block” in the Bitcoin software.

USB cables connected to a motherboard
Tech 21 October 2021

Distributed GorillaPool mines largest Bitcoin transaction in history

Aside from the point that this transaction alone is bigger than the small blocks on competing Bitcoin forks, this shows how utilizing the blockchain properly can provide a long-term source of revenue for miners even after the block subsidy has diminished.