Latest Bitcoin SV News

Bitcoin SV able to sustain blocks above 128MB
Tech 11 March 2019

Bitcoin SV testing shows sustained blocks of 128MB

BSV has once again proven how easy it is to increase the network’s scalability. The Scaling Test Network (STN) has been able to maintain an average block size of 128MB in 24 hours, and an average size of 128MB across 144 blocks.

Crypto market daily report – June 11, 2019
Business 11 March 2019

Crypto market daily report – March 11, 2019

The cryptocurrency markets saw a slight retracement over the past 24 hours although there were some currencies which demonstrated a turnaround against this decline.

Business 8 March 2019

The Bitcoin Vision: Episode 4

There’s a lot of excitement happening as the Bitcoin SV (BSV) ecosystem builds the world’s new money and global enterprise blockchain, and this week’s episode of The Bitcoin Vision recaps the recent developments taking place in the network.

Bitcoin Association Wallet Workshop wrap-up
Events 8 March 2019

Bitcoin Association Wallet Workshop wrap-up

The first Bitcoin Association Wallet Workshop, hosted by nChain and sponsored by CoinGeek, in London has been an undeniable success, gathering parties in the Bitcoin SV (BSV) space to collaborate, share ideas, solve problems and pave the way for further development in BSV wallet solutions.  

Dr. Craig Wright: “There are no forks”
Tech 7 March 2019

Dr. Craig Wright: ‘There are no forks’

This week, nChain’s Chief Scientist published a piece called The myth of forks, and he covers many important topics, not the least of which was the hijacking of Bitcoin.

Blockchain Innovator nChain Appoints David Washburn as CEO
Press Releases 7 March 2019

Blockchain innovator nChain appoints David Washburn as CEO

nChain, a global leader in advisory, research and development of blockchain technologies, today announced David Washburn will join the rapidly growing organization as Chief Executive Officer of its London-based nChain Limited.