Bitcoin SV
Genesis is here: Bitcoin 1.0.0 released and ready for action
The Bitcoin SV Node team has released the stable version of "Genesis"—or, Bitcoin 1.0.0.
Japan’s Zweispace to automate wills with smart inheritance contracts
Zweispace, known for its work in the real estate technology industry, has devised a Bitcoin-based smart contract structure to handle...
Bitcoin SV [BSV] “Genesis” Hard Fork Original Bitcoin Protocol restored on 4 February 2020 to Enable a Fully On-Chain world
The hard fork is code-named “Genesis” because it returns the Bitcoin protocol as closely as possible to the original released...
How much can all businesses save by using BSV to process transactions?
Take a look at how Bitcoin SV is creating the fastest and cheapest payment system in the world by comparing...
BSV flips BCH, reaches new all-time high in process
Bitcoin SV overtook BCH in both unit price and market cap, while reaching an all-time-high price at the same time.
Craig Wright shares new details in Ira Kleiman case
New files shared by Dr. Craig Wright may reveal important information about his Bitcoin wealth.
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