Bitcoin SV
The art of cognitive dissonance in Bitcoin
For anyone involved in Bitcoin, the alignment of beliefs to behaviours is tested regularly as part of the necessary evolution...
Taal using Miner ID protocol on Bitcoin SV (BSV) network to support future of Bitcoin mining specialization
TAAL is using Miner ID as part of its efforts to lead business innovation and professionalizing of the Bitcoin mining...
George Siosi Samuels: For BSV adoption, focus on people, not technology
Managing Director of Faia George Siosi Samuels advocate the Bitcoin community for global adoption and always remember to prioritize the...
HandCash announces Connect and App Store to push ease of use
With the HandCash Connect and App Store now available, developers and users will have even more convenient ways to using...
Bitcoin v1.0.1 released, an optional upgrade for large volume nodes
The Bitcoin SV node team has issued an optional upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol: v1.0.1, aimed at nodes intending to...
Bitcoin.com distances itself from controversial BCH mining tax plan
Roger Ver-owned Bitcoin.com has backtracked on its earlier support for autocratically enacting a tax on miners to fund the development...
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