Bitcoin halving 2020: ASIC processors brace for another drop in revenue
The atmosphere around the upcoming Bitcoin halving is different, as many in the ecosystem fear it will negatively affect the...
Bit.sv and an in-depth look at its features
Joshua Henslee dives into the details of Bit.sv, including its features, wallet details, and unique upvoting mechanisms.
Kronoverse joins ESIC in shared goal to increase the integrity of the esports industry
Kronoverse Inc., today announced its new membership with ESIC (Esports Integrity Commission) as part of Kronoverse’s focus on greater gaming...
Stantinko botnet’s unique obfuscation tactics revealed in new report
The Stantinko botnet’s been a menace, infecting computers to mine digital currencies. A recent report has unearthed its stealthy tactics...
Germany’s Sonnen Group launches a blockchain virtual power plant
Sonnen, a subsidiary of the Royal Dutch Shell has launched a virtual power plant that will be powered by blockchain...
Toyota launches blockchain lab for verification, supply chain and more
Toyota has launched its blockchain lab which has been in the works since April 2019. It’ll develop solutions for verification,...
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