Netflix over Bitcoin payment channels
In this post, sCrypt’s Xiaohui Liu demonstrates a cost-efficient way to provide movie streaming and other types of services on...
Access blockchain data from Bitcoin smart contracts: Part 2
In this article, Xiaohui Liu further explained how to access blockchain data from Bitcoin smart contracts and how it could...
Access blockchain data from Bitcoin smart contracts without oracles
In this article, Xiaohui Liu shows how to access blockchain data in Bitcoin smart contracts with minimal trust and provides...
What is Simplified Payment Verification? Joshua Henslee breaks it down in new video
In his latest video, Joshua Henslee explains how SPV allows merchants to accept Bitcoin payments without running a full node,...
India releases National Blockchain Strategy focusing on e-governance
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has identified 44 key areas it wants to impact through blockchain, with e-governance...
The mystery of the Genesis block
When the Bitcoin software was announced in 2009, it was important that nodes joining the network could build a common...
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