United Kingdom
11 August, 2022
UK fintech unicorn Revolut on hiring spree for digital assets division
Revolut is bucking this year’s massive tech layoffs tide, raising headcount by 20%, including in its digital assets business which...
10 August, 2022
Joshua Henslee on BSV investors lawsuit: When the game is rigged, that’s when governments have to step in
Early last week, a U.K. collective proceedings order was filed against Binance, Kraken, Shapeshift, and Bittylicious in response to the...
9 August, 2022
What does the BSV investors’ lawsuit mean for Bitcoin and digital currencies in the UK?
The collective proceedings order accuses the exchanges of colluding to delist BSV without good reason, reducing, preventing, and distorting competition...
5 August, 2022
The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 98: BSV investors file £9.9B lawsuit as Craig Wright proven right yet again in Peter McCormack case
Nearly £10 billion class action lawsuit was filed this week in the United Kingdom against Binance, Kraken, Bittylicious, and Shapeshift...
4 August, 2022
Kumaraguru Ramanujam: Using Bitcoin SV to send money across borders
Kumaraguru Ramanujam’s application, MoneySwipe, aims to bring down fees for sending money abroad from the current global average of 7%...
4 August, 2022
FCA issues tougher ad rules for risky assets, pledges to target digital assets next
FCA published new guidelines prohibiting flashy ads that don’t portray the risks that such investment comes with, and digital assets...