Latest smart contracts News

Sealed Bid text on paper being put inside brown envelope.
Tech 27 September 2023

Sealed auctions on Bitcoin

Due to the advent of blockchain technology, sealed auctions can now be implemented on-chain, offering a number of advantages over traditional auctions.

Golden bitcoin symbol
Business 31 August 2023

Code is not law

In this article, the author delves into the popular phrase 'code is law,' the practical realities of smart contracts, and the legal aspects behind the technology.

James Belding on CoinGeek Conversations
Interviews 3 August 2023

James Belding: Tokenized was built with blood, sweat and tears

A “self-custodial and enterprise-grade digital wallet …for issuing, managing and holding digital assets including Bitcoin SV,” Tokenized boasts an elegant interface, an easy sign up process and an impressive range of functions, CEO James Belding tells CoinGeek Conversations.

Tech 31 July 2023

Cross-chain atomic swaps

sCrypt demonstrates the exchange of coins between two blockchains by using a smart contract called Hash Time-Locked Contract and how it can be used to serve as a basis for non-custodial exchanges.