Latest Opcodes News

Bitcoin Concept
Tech 27 January 2021

No, the protocol is not locked

Joshua Henslee reviews the suggested changes to revert to Bitcoin protocol v0.1, explaining why it’s not something developers should be worried about when it comes to building on Bitcoin SV.

Tech 24 January 2020

What is P2SH? And why must it go?

Sunsetting P2SH will finally reset Bitcoin 99% of the way back to the original design as defined by the whitepaper and its original goal as a global peer-to-peer cash system.

Bitcoin SV version 0.1 goes live
Tech 16 October 2018

Bitcoin SV version 0.1 goes live

Leading blockchain technology research and development outfit nChain has rolled out the beta release of its Bitcoin SV client on October 15—one month ahead of the November Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network upgrade.