Latest non-fungible tokens News

NFT Coin
Business 27 December 2021

6 influential digital currency trends that emerged in 2021

The blockchain and digital asset industries are fast-moving, we have seen many influential trends in the blockchain and digital currency space come and go. Here are a few of the most influential trends that took place in the blockchain and digital currency industry in 2021.

person infront of computer holding smartphone
Editorial 23 December 2021

Bitcoin has lost the plot

As the holidays of 2021 approach to yet another crazy year in the digital currency space, it has become quite clear how the space must mature to establish true economic legitimacy in the global economy.

ONI Society
Business 21 December 2021

ONI Society NFTs dropping on RareCandy on December 22

Patrick Thompson catches up with the Oni Society NFT creator to learn more about the upcoming token drop and why more digital artists are opting to launch their NFTs on RareCandy opposed to other NFT platforms.