Vol 12.17m
Vol 40121.68m
Vol 181.01m
Vol 338.51m
Vol 576.64m


CoinGeek Zurich: Blockchain law and policy
9 June, 2021

CoinGeek Zurich: Blockchain law and policy

Many of the projects discussed at the CoinGeek Zurich conference are massively disruptive, but what will the world’s governments make...
DEX on Bitcoin = P2P Exchange
26 March, 2021

DEX on Bitcoin = P2P Exchange

The question that arises is who becomes responsible if two parties fill orders between each other in this way without...
Code isn’t law—law is law
24 March, 2021

Code isn’t law—law is law

Here’s why intermediary businesses cannot be automated away, without effectively giving away our free will, individuality, and freedom.
Wyoming Senate passes DAO law
19 March, 2021

Wyoming Senate passes DAO law

Wyoming's Senate has passed a bill that will legally recognize Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) as legitimate businesses.
Albany Law School webinar explores ‘Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The Legal Framework and Future Trends’
4 March, 2021

Albany Law School webinar explores ‘Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The Legal Framework and Future Trends’

The panel covers a range of topics that lawyers, prospective lawyers, and any individual or business that needs to navigate...
The legal duty of blockchain developers
26 February, 2021

The legal duty of blockchain developers

As blockchain technology becomes increasingly relied upon, it becomes critical that the law extends its well-established protections to this new...