Duro Dogs
Introducing Asset Layer v2 with Unity
The Asset Layer v2 update includes major improvements for developers catering to the massively growing gaming vertical, like email-based login,...
Power Users of BSV – Grant
Power user Grant frequently uses Haste Arcade and Duro Dogs, going so far to create user guides at udd.guide. He...
CoinGeek Bitcade hits London, next up December 7
November 9, 2022 marked the launch of the CoinGeek Bitcade in London, a concept that was kicked off in Miami,...
Asset Layer: The simplest, most affordable way to create and manage digital assets
NFTY Jigs announced their rebrand to Asset Layer, the simplest, most affordable way to create and manage digital assets.
Gaming dominates blockchain usage as DeFi crumbles: report
DappRadar’s August report found that gaming made up 51% of all blockchain activity, but it found that the total value...
Jackson Laskey: Combining NFTs and micropayments will transform gaming (CoinGeek Backstage)
Jackson Laskey believes that NFTs and micropayments form a greater economy allowing games to generate revenue and developers to contribute...