Latest BSV blockchain News

BTC Sandcastles and the next civil war by Kurt Wuckert Jr.
Editorial 12 December 2023

BTC sandcastles and the next civil war

The changes in Bitcoin's original protocol, deemed "improvements" in the BTC community, were not significant upgrades but a mere diversion of what the technology advocates for.

Flag of Canada with cloudy sky background
Business 11 December 2023

Canadians still don’t like CBDCs

More Canadians still prefer cash over a central bank digital currency, citing the latter's risks when it comes to privacy, accessibility, and financial stability, according to findings of a public consultation.

CoinGeek Discussions Episode 18
Interviews 6 December 2023

What’s up with the blockchain space?

On the latest CoinGeek Discussions, hosts Zach Weiner and Alex Vidal tackle the biggest news in the blockchain space, the latest developments, and what guests envision to be blockchain's impact in the future.

Fishy mining with Ocean pool illustration
Editorial 5 December 2023

Fishy mining with Ocean pool

In 2011, Dashjr started one of the first Bitcoin mining pools called "Eligius," presumably named after the patron saint of gold—this pool was later resurrected under the name "Ocean."