Bitcoin payments
3 February, 2022
3 Thai regulators team up to issue digital currency payment guidelines
Bank of Thailand, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Finance Ministry issued the joint statement where they said digital...
14 December, 2021
Streaming services via the Bitcoin protocol
A recent sCrypt article discusses how to facilitate streaming services using the Bitcoin protocol. This is not streaming large movie...
13 December, 2021
Netflix over Bitcoin payment channels
In this post, sCrypt’s Xiaohui Liu demonstrates a cost-efficient way to provide movie streaming and other types of services on...
7 October, 2021
PeerSend on CoinGeek New York: Bitcoin apps should seek to accelerate the inevitable
Jeffrey Baek, co-founder of Peer Technologies, presented their new product PeerSend that allows users to ‘Send Money Like Magic’ over...
26 May, 2021
Russian lawmakers weighing partial reversal of digital currency payments ban
The reports note that some lawmakers in the country are considering revising some aspects of the payments ban including allowing...
21 April, 2021
Create new words and definitions on SLictionary with our Quick Start Guide
SLictionary, which stands for self-learning dictionary, works on the principle that language is a living thing, evolving over time and...
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