Big Data
2 July, 2023
Shanghai eyes nearly $7B from metaverse investment in culture, tourism sectors
Following initiatives from neighboring cities, Shanghai is building its metaverse ambitions under a recently published roadmap focusing on revitalizing its...
18 November, 2022
The challenges of bringing the world on-chain at the ‘Blockchain in Business’ event
The Blockchain in Business event in Australia showcased the scalability and power of the BSV blockchain in transforming businesses and...
17 January, 2022
Human interaction will define Web 3.0 and Faiā’s ‘micro-accelerator’ is connecting ideas
Faiā recently held its first "Meta Community Micro Accelerator" (MCMA), a week-long online event aimed at connecting entrepreneurs and "getting...
17 August, 2021
China latest 5-year plan includes multi-year crackdown on tech sectors
Authorities in Beijing confirmed that recent steps to tighten controls on digital currency and other sectors would not be abating...
8 July, 2021
BSV as a data standard
If BSV is going to be something other than just another Ponzi scheme, then the blockchain must be used for...
22 June, 2021
Fundstrat at CoinGeek Zurich: BSV blockchain well-positioned to act as protocol for big data
A myriad of companies is putting transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain daily, and both consumers and companies are using BSV...
Viewing 7-12 out of 22 articles