Latest Bitcoin SV News

CoinGeek Week shaping up to be a historic event
Events 15 November 2018

CoinGeek Week shaping up to be a historic event

The CoinGeek Week Conference is the perfect place to hear from thought leaders about the implications of the worlds first Bitcoin Hash War fought according to Nakamoto Consensus.

Bitcoin finally comes of age with Adult Supervision!
Editorial 14 November 2018

Bitcoin finally comes of age with Adult Supervision!

Nakamoto Consensus works and miners have spoken, and it’s now virtually impossible for there to be any other outcome than Satoshi Vision (SV) for the future of the one true Bitcoin BCH, particularly if we are looking at honest, dedicated hash. The CoinGeek-initiated Bitcoin SV is set to win!

Majority of Bitcoin BCH miners support Bitcoin SV
Tech 12 November 2018

Majority of Bitcoin BCH miners support Bitcoin SV

The upcoming hard fork for the Bitcoin BCH network has become one of the hottest topics on social media sites with a persistence divide between those that support Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC into creating a viable digital currency.