Craig Wright’s recent blog explains digital signatures and identity in Bitcoin
Dr. Craig Wright released a blog post explaining the second sentence of the Bitcoin white paper, which tackles digital signatures...
Sell the dip: Tesla unloads 75% of its BTC, Musk dismisses ‘crypto’ as ‘sideshow’
Tesla's latest financial report card indicated that the company had converted around 75% of its BTC purchases into fiat by...
Swedish Energy Minister: We need energy for more useful things than block reward mining
The minister believes that as power becomes scarcer in Sweden, the country may have to make difficult choices, and BTC...
Joshua Henslee H2 2022 price predictions: ‘BTC is going back to $3,000’
In his video about price predictions for the second half of 2022, Joshua Henslee is still very much a bear...
Maintaining power: A Core story
Critics of the BIP process have claimed for years that the roles of “Editor” and “Maintainer” are dangerous points of...
Texas BTC miners shut down operations due to record-breaking heat wave
The heat wave in Texas is setting new records, leading to a spike in electricity demand by the residents, and...
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