Bitcoin SV brutally dominates BCH
Michael Wehrmann asks: is there even a reason for BCH to exist at this moment in time?
The fallacy of proof of work as an information value signal
Hash power is the reward a node gets for having the best fitness, and the least wasted proof of work...
BTC has no utility
BTC has no utility because software developers cannot build platforms and services with the BTC protocol.
Why they want you to ‘hodl’ BTC
Michael Wehrmann delves into why the “hodl” narrative is important.
From big problems come big opportunities for Bitcoin
For Bitcoin SV supporters, the crisis suggests possibilities to push forward the project in ways they were already pursuing, Charles...
BCH finds lifeline amid struggles, but it’s a temporary reprieve
BCH has morphed into the walking dead of public blockchains, failing to gain traction and grow into the thriving global...
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