Will DeFi come to BSV?
There are a lot of opportunities for DeFi products to prosper on BSV and it is only a matter of...
Ethereum 2.0 – Ether’s journey from a security to a security
The myth of decentralization and a lack of understanding regarding the state of digital assets and platforms have allowed assets...
Get rekt, stay poor
By creating fundamental economic value and disrupting existing players in the data, finance or settlement economies, the purchasing power of...
Get off my property!
Property rights, liberty and individual sovereignty apply to the product of anyone’s labor, Kurt Wuckert Jr. writes.
Pump the brakes on MicroStrategy
Michael Saylor and MicroStrategy have taken up a lot of space in the news thanks to their aggressive accumulation of...
Gary Vee wants Bitcoin, not BTC
Gary Vaynerchuk was recently on the What Bitcoin Did podcast, where his ideas about Bitcoin were almost completely side-stepped and...
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