Latest Satoshi Vision News

Bitcoin under rocks
Business 23 March 2022

The vision for Bitcoin

Dr. Craig Wright reveals his vision for Bitcoin in this blog post—he explains how it is set in stone and how it should scale to billions of transactions while maintaining a low price.

BSV baseball
Editorial 31 December 2021

The winner of 2022: BitCoin Satoshi Vision [$BSV]

This is BSV’s year, 2022. If you want to avoid the pitfalls of our current bubblicious over-priced stock market and even frothier “cryptos,” yet still invest in something with upside, focus your research gaze toward BSV-land like the Babe eye-balled the right-field bleachers.

The origins of Bitcoin: BTC creates new protocol, BCH follows Satoshi Vision
Business 14 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: BTC deviates from Bitcoin protocol

BTC was already suffering from its inability to recognize how large block sizes could work on the blockchain, resulting in the birth of Bitcoin Cash (BCH)—but even this wasn’t an ideal solution and ultimately resulted in the second death of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin SV and the return to Genesis
Editorial 5 November 2019

Bitcoin SV and the return to Genesis

The upcoming Genesis upgrade which promises to take Bitcoin back to its original unbounded design, giving developers, entrepreneurs and users the freedom to focus on how best to use Bitcoin SV.