Did Satoshi Nakamoto support data on-chain?
Satoshi Nakamoto programmed Bitcoin Script to allow massive data but didn't necessarily think that large data payloads should be included;...
Asset seizure was possible in original Bitcoin
Today, many in the digital currency space believe asset seizure and freezing to be technically impossible, as the system is...
A deep dive into Lopp’s ‘On BSV scalability’
In this piece, sCrypt’s Xiaohui Liu investigates the claims made by BTC evangelist Jameson Lopp in his recent article, focusing...
Comment sections on Bitcoin
There are Bitcoin SV applications that feature content creation, but all have different means for commenting on content, Joshua Henslee...
BitcoinFiles—The next generation of block explorers
BitcoinFiles has launched their ‘next generation’ of block explorers with the slickest user interface to date while still containing all...
Enmore shows how Bitcoin can help medical researchers find treatments
With Enmore, Brent Bevear is creating a proof-of-concept for "an elastic peer market for the computation of protein-ligand interactions."
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