How MetaID is showing what BSV blockchain can really do
Apps like MetaBuzz and ShowBuzz are demonstrating how the MetaID platform can create social networks where user data is portable—creating...
New world record 2 gigabyte block on Bitcoin SV blockchain paves future for Bitcoin mining with transaction fees as majority of block reward
The recent gigabyte-sized blocks on the BSV are driven by increased user demand for bigger blockchain capacity.
New world record 1 gigabyte blocks mined on the Bitcoin SV blockchain
That world record block is the second time that the record has been broken in quick succession, following a block...
Behold the gigablock: Soft cap increase sees BSV blocks approach 1GB
The record-sized block in question today was #699097, processed on August 6, 2021, at 4:04 a.m. UTC by an unknown...
The Bitcoin Bridge: Sunny Fung explains MetaID and portable identity
Sunny Fung, CEO of ShowPay, has spent the past year creating MetaID for this purpose—and he tells us all about...
Cambridge University Metanet Society announces Phoenix Challenge winners
At a time when many people around the world are stuck inside due to coronavirus, the Phoenix Challenge allowed software...
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