Latest Genesis Block News

BSV Blockchain updates
Press Releases 27 June 2024

Chronicle BSV Blockchain latest update

The new Chronicle update is a direct follow-up of the Genesis upgrade in 2020 and will further align the BSV blockchain with the original Bitcoin white paper.

Bitcoin image with dark background
Editorial 15 January 2024

Satoshi’s secret in the Genesis block

While the answer to the mysterious transaction in the Genesis block has yet to be revealed, the technicalities of how the block and transaction were made only cement Satoshi as the one behind them.

Bitcoin's 15th birthday
Events 9 January 2024

Happy 15th Birthday, Bitcoin!

On Bitcoin's 15th birthday, Satoshi's vision for a scalable electronic cash system is alive and thriving—the BSV blockchain is the original Bitcoin, and it is scaling to levels Dr. Craig Wright always said were possible.

Creative glowing shiny silver bitcoin background
Business 3 July 2023

The locked protocol

In this article, Zeming Gao explains the locked protocol on the original Bitcoin—BSV blockchain—and clarifies several common confusions about it.

Happy Birthday Bitcoin
Events 9 January 2023

Happy Birthday Bitcoin!

Bitcoin was never intended to be used as a weapon for cybercrime but rather as a network that seeks to transform the global transaction system.

Big Brain Meme
Editorial 7 November 2022

We’re not early

Blockchain has been around for over a decade, and while numerous companies have adopted this technology, there have not been many notable solutions developed from this.

binary numbers forming a bitcoin logo
Tech 7 December 2021

The mystery of the Genesis block

When the Bitcoin software was announced in 2009, it was important that nodes joining the network could build a common history of the blockchain. Satoshi Nakamoto accomplished this by hardcoding in the “Genesis block” in the Bitcoin software.