BTC’s pacification of liberty
In the name of bullishness, BTC has joined the mainstream, and not on Bitcoin’s terms, but completely on the terms...
If Bitcoin was a family plan
The BSV carrier is effectively offering an unlimited data package. A package likely familiar to actual phone plan shoppers in...
Fateful days in Bitcoin
If you’re willing to look past all the investment hype, Twitter noise and ignore all of the professional concern-trolls that...
Cøbra misses deadline to respond to Craig Wright’s IP lawsuit
The deadline for Cøbra to respond to Dr. Craig Wright’s white paper lawsuit has officially passed, with Cøbra apparently deciding...
Matthew Zietzke: Fundamental errors of BTC and Lightning Network
In this interview with Dr. Michael Wehrmann, educator and consultant Matthew Zietzke explains the fundamental errors in BTC and Lightning...
BTC Taproot plan stumbles as miners fail to show support—who holds the power?
With just two weeks to go in a signaling period where miners show support for the change in the blocks...
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