Bitcoin SV brutally dominates BCH
Michael Wehrmann asks: is there even a reason for BCH to exist at this moment in time?
BTC is useless, Chainalysis report shows
60% of BTC in circulation is held by individuals who have never sold more than 25% of the BTC they...
BTC mining difficulty surges as block reward miners game system
The BTC blockchain posted its most significant mining difficulty increase in over two years, recent data has shown.
BTC-Tether relationship: How long can it last?
It's time to take another look at USDT, the USD-pegged "stablecoin" otherwise known as Tether.
BTC scammers capitalize on PlayStation 5 reveal
The scammers streamed a pre-recorded video of the Sony PlayStation 5 reveal event to lure in unsuspecting individuals.
Illegal BTC block reward miners busted in China’s tombs
Police stumbled across entrances to two burial sites where illegal block reward mining rigs were operating, powered by stolen electricity.
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