Latest BSV as a News

Bitcoin as a Mandala Network
Editorial 15 November 2021

Bitcoin as a Mandala Network

The world of BSV is finally starting to think ‘big’ and beginning to discuss and debate the economic inevitabilities that your wallet seed phrase isn’t going to work forever.

Editorial 1 November 2021

Bitcoin as a basis of stable economy

Along with all the technical breakthroughs that Bitcoin (BSV) has enabled, the economic innovation of using a self-incentivized proof-of work system to reward infrastructure providers via transaction fees, is actually a brilliant, self-tuning economic “anchor/gauge/regulator.”

Dynamic ecosystem
Editorial 15 October 2021

BSV as a dynamic ecosystem

One of the key features of Bitcoin SV which allows it to adapt and thrive without the need for administrators is the fact that it doesn’t try to do anything besides the basic task of being a public traceable indelible record keeper.

BSV as a CBDC platform
Editorial 1 October 2021

BSV as a CBDC platform

When at first the market discovered cryptocurrencies, people took to inventing new blockchains with new tokens to raise money and cash out at the expense of new adopters buying into their projects filled with high promise.

BSV as a virtual machine
Tech 17 September 2021

BSV as a virtual machine

Jerry Chan explores some more technical aspects behind Bitcoin BSV, and the lessor known under-the-hood components that are more of an interest to students of computer science.

BSV is a technology, not an investment
Tech 10 September 2021

BSV is a technology, not an investment

Bitcoin is not an investment product; it is simply a technology. To be fair, it isn’t exactly the same as technology products in the past, where paying for its use was completely separate from the platform itself.

BSV as an eternal clock
Tech 3 September 2021

BSV as an eternal clock

This week, Jerry Chan takes a break from the hard computer science aspects of BSV to one which has more appeal to general society—the problem of agreeing on the timing or sequencing of events or actions.

BSV as a parallel Token Ring Network
Tech 27 August 2021

BSV as a parallel Token Ring Network

By looking at BSV from a network engineering perspective, Bitcoin can be seen as something more than just a token system, but a global network with a dynamic and customizable topology, Jerry Chan writes.

BSV as an Infinite Turing Tape
Tech 19 August 2021

BSV as an Infinite Turing Tape

A Turing machine—or an unbounded number of them—can be built on top of the public infinite tape, and any number of parallel computations can be calculated.

Tech 13 August 2021

BSV as a Turing machine

A common feature of computer languages which generally make them Turing complete is the ability for the language to allow for structured control flow of a program, either through loops or jumps.

Growing Tree in a shape of a bitcoin sign
Tech 6 August 2021

BSV as a green technology

The growing problem of the massive energy footprint of Bitcoin is starting to be the focus in the public eye of both digital currency advocates and critics.

BSV as a store of value—seriously!
Business 30 July 2021

BSV as a store of value—seriously!

The reason why discussing BSV as a store of value needed to wait until the other value propositions were discussed first has to do with the nature of the way in which BSV can ever become a store of value.