Bitcoin SV
Overlays vs Indexers: A move toward scalability in the BSV ecosystem
While Bitcoin was designed to handle massive amounts of data, there remain challenges, which can be addressed depending on the...
Blame game for BTC ‘flash crash’ focuses on Matrixport, Cramer, reality
Jim Cramer’s latest flip-flop was directed at Matrixport analyst Markus Thielen, who issued a report claiming that the U.S. SEC...
Bitcoin’s Genesis Block constructed 15 years ago today!
The Genesis Block anniversary serves as a reminder of the history of the peer-to-peer electronic cash system and Satoshi's vision...
The economics and incentives behind Bitcoin mining—new ebook makes it easy to understand
In this latest ebook, authors Bryan Daugherty, Greg Ward, and Kurt Wuckert Jr. delve into the economics of Bitcoin mining,...
Is Bitcoin decentralized?
While BTC has a higher hash rate that makes it more secure to a hash attack, it does not equate...
What’s up with the blockchain space? Can Bitcoin replace the internet?
In this CoinGeek Discussion, guests Florian Ludewig, Crumbs, and Chase Kwas discussed the most important news in the blockchain space,...
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