Latest Bitcoin SV News

Gambling chips and five red dices on laptop keyboard close-up
Editorial 2 February 2021

Why gaming needs blockchain

Blockchain is already shaping the future of gaming, and is set to be the next big technology to ring sweeping changes through the sector—for the better.

Bitcoin SV
Tech 1 February 2021

Bitcoin SV Node software releases v1.0.7

Bitcoin SV Node software v1.0.7 is a beta release from version 1.0.6, so the changes are mostly small but be sure to know the risks before upgrading to the new release, Kurt Wuckert Jr writes.

Bitcoin Concept
Tech 27 January 2021

No, the protocol is not locked

Joshua Henslee reviews the suggested changes to revert to Bitcoin protocol v0.1, explaining why it’s not something developers should be worried about when it comes to building on Bitcoin SV.