Latest Australian Taxation Office News

Man in suit holding a bitcoin coin
Editorial 3 April 2022

Bitcoin as a security

In this article, Bitcoin Creator Dr. Craig Wright explains some of the reasoning behind how he created Bitcoin and why he released it in such a manner.

kleiman v wright satoshi trial 2021
Editorial 12 November 2021

Satoshi Case in Florida: What’s the deal with the ATO documents?

Much of the plaintiff’s time with Dr. Craig Wright on the stand has been spent far away from the topic of Dave and Dr. Wright’s work together, and instead takes an extended look at the ATO probes into Dr. Wright’s businesses in Australia.

The Australian Tax Office is going after crypto investors
Business 21 June 2018

Australian Tax Office goes after crypto investors

According to Australian Tax Office (ATO), cryptocurrencies are an asset that earn thus are considered capital gains, just like real estate sales which ATO also considers taxable.