Latest Amazon News

Freight semi trucks with logo loading or unloading at warehouse dock
Business 22 May 2023

Amazon is building an AI search experience

Amazon is hiring software engineers to “reimagine Amazon search with an interactive conversational experience” as it lags behind Google and Microsoft in AI. logo on the modern building facade
Business 1 February 2023

Retail giant Amazon plans new NFT initiatives: report

Amazon is in talks with blockchain companies to partner for the NFT offering, with likely partners from blockchain gaming firms, digital currency exchanges, and layer 1 blockchains, according to reports.

Finance and investment concept
Business 4 May 2022

Strategic advantage and finding opportunities

Bitcoin's ability to offer digital cash at a meager fee, which online merchants and others can accept non-reversible and small casual transactions, opens up opportunities not imagined before.

Editorial 3 January 2022

Bring on the ads!

Quite literally, ads is the way the internet is monetized. This is how marketers turn your eyeballs looking at computer screens into profits. In a way, it wasn’t the internet that invented ads. Ads have always been how television monetized its programming.

Golden bitcoins, conceptual image for crypto currency
Editorial 31 December 2021

The stage is set, the music is about to play for Bitcoin

The technology predated the practically world-changing business use cases by at least 10 years, although there is one harrowing difference in the genetics of Bitcoin that separates it from normal technological advances.