Latest Bitcoin SV News

CoinGeek Week Conference 2018 Highlights
Events 18 December 2018

CoinGeek Week Conference 2018 Highlights

CoinGeek Week 2018, the second conference organized by, succeeded in gathering the brightest minds and pioneers in the Bitcoin SV (BSV) space and educating interested parties.

CoinGeek Miner’s Day recap
Events 17 December 2018

CoinGeek Miners Day recap

The last week of November marked the inaugural CoinGeek Week, a four-day event including a three day conference and special “invite-only” pre-conference Miner’s Day on November 27th at the Mondrian in London.

Atomic Wallet integrates Bitcoin SV
Business 14 December 2018

Atomic Wallet integrates Bitcoin SV

Adoption momentum for Bitcoin SV (BSV), the only coin that follows the original Satoshi Vision for Bitcoin, continues to build. This week, more services have started integrating the coin, including Atomic Wallet, the multi-currency custody-free wallet that currently supports more than 300 coins and tokens.

Circle Invest adds Bitcoin SV to portfolio
Business 14 December 2018

Circle Invest adds Bitcoin SV to portfolio

Circle Invest has announced in a tweet the addition of Bitcoin SV as one of its investment options, giving investors a new easy option to get involved with the original Bitcoin.