Bitcoin SV
50 million! mintBlue blows away BSV’s transactions-per-day record
Blockchain-as-a-service company mintBlue has proved BSV excels on both fronts by smashing the transactions-per-day record, writing 50.53 million transactions to...
Soundoshi revolutionizes music industry with NFTs, new ad model
Soundoshi unleashes a new model that will drive music revenue while revealing why it chose BSV over other blockchains in...
Nathan Cropper: Winning acceptance for BSV in the financial world
On this week’s CoinGeek Conversations, Nathan Cropper talks about the intellectual and career path that has taken him from Barclays...
BTC is not Bitcoin: Why that matters to the SEC
When Gary Gensler says that Bitcoin is not a security or refers to its unique history, what he is referring...
Sureswaran Ramadass on IPv6 adoption: The first step is getting comfortable with the technology
In this CoinGeek Backstage interview, Sureswaran Ramadass and Muhammad Ary Murti share the critical role of familiarizing a technology to...
UAE academic taps BSV blockchain to display and protect its cultural heritage
Mohammed Al-Hemairy is leading the development of a Bitcoin SV-powered platform that seeks to protect UAE art and display it...
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