Latest Editorial News

Editorial 3 August 2020

Bitcoin has a red history

We have arrived at a community of nominal libertarians who support price-fixing, production quotas, and who are decidedly against utility, Brent Bevear writes.

Editorial 21 July 2020

BitCoin: Zen Yotta Mond Data

In his latest post, John Pitts discusses how the Bitcoin network provides a commodity marketplace for computation.

Editorial 15 July 2020

Why is Bitcoin so hard to understand?

Friends’ enquiries lead CoinGeek’s Charles Miller to wonder what it is about Bitcoin that makes it so hard to explain and understand.

Editorial 6 July 2020

Cancel culture and Bitcoin

The inability to execute micropayments on the web creates unintended consequence of making political views and popularity as the driver of eligibility for monetization.

Editorial 25 June 2020

Are core devs communists?

Dr. Craig Wright's latest blog post grills software engineers that continually seek payment for the work done to a blockchain protocol.