protocol upgrade
Bitcoin SV: The Blockchain for Business in Slovenia recap
More than 250 leaders assembled at the Intercontinental Ljubljana in Slovenia for the country’s first Blockchain for Business event.
nChain Daniel Connolly talks what’s in store for Bitcoin after Genesis
The Genesis upgrade on Bitcoin SV is revolutionizing how enterprises can view blockchain adoption.
Why Bitcoin SV apps need peer-to-peer transactions
Truly peer-to-peer transactions are still rare on Bitcoin SV today despite being in the title of the whitepaper written almost...
Steve Shadders: Teranode will give ‘birth to a new profession’
On the sidelines of CoinGeek London 2020, the nChain CTO gives an overview of what the Genesis upgrade brought and...
Optional software upgrade to BSV version 1.0.2 now available
The Bitcoin SV Node team released its optional software upgrade v.1.0.2 containing minor bug fixes and additional feature changes.
Imagine not having a buzz about CoinGeek Conference in London
Kurt Wuckert Jr. shares how the CoinGeek London conference illustrates a bright overview of what Bitcoin SV has accomplished.