Latest proof of work News

Scale first banner on CoinGeek with Kurt Wuckert Jr.
Editorial 9 July 2024

Scale first!

Bitcoin must scale to achieve its original vision, and BSV serves as a beacon of hope in attaining this feat, driven by several key developments that were accomplished amid a tumultuous journey.

Online payment process
Business 21 June 2024

What are programmable payments?

Programmable payments refer to the automation of payments based on specific conditions, while programmable money is a broader concept whereby the digital currency itself can have embedded rules.

BSV Association logo with blockchain concept background
Business 31 May 2024

To trust the future, you must first trust the data

The report looks at how blockchain maintains trust, exploring a future world with 125 billion connected devices that rely on AI decision-making and IoT sensors recording terabytes of data per day.