Latest CoinGeek Conference News

Interviews 20 December 2019

The BSV Pitch: Connor Murray of TrueReviews

BSV-powered TrueReviews aims to address the incentive problem with online reviews to create a fairer, more effective way of gathering consumer reviews.

Business 17 December 2019

A Pitch Day experience

Bryan Daugherty is using his experience in web development, marketing and WordPress commerce in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem.

Interviews 13 December 2019

The BSV Pitch: Mike Gamaroff of Wheedl

Wheedl removes the middle man—the social network, which currently takes ownership of content without paying creators directly and monetizes that content through its platform.

Interviews 6 December 2019

The BSV Pitch: Rogelio Reyna of Binde

Rogelio Reyna said Binde is dedicated to improving productivity within legal tech on the Latin American continent through the use of blockchain, and specifically BSV.

Interviews 22 November 2019

The BSV Pitch: Sunny Fung of Showpay

Developed specifically and exclusively for BSV and BSV-powered tokens, Showpay provides hardware and software platforms required to process payments at the point of sale.