Joannes Vermorel: The first step for Bitcoin data management is to shift from full blockchain to UTXO
Joannes Vermorel: The first step for Bitcoin data management is to shift from full blockchain to UTXO
Microsoft now offers blockchain development kit
Microsoft now offers blockchain development kit
Crypto in Africa: Crypto market in Africa expands amid regulatory pressure
Crypto in Africa: Crypto market in Africa expands amid regulatory pressure
US patent office OKs Xerox’s blockchain-based data revision system
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has approved Xerox Corporation’s patent that provides for a “secure revisioning auditing system
Iran’s answer to SWIFT removal? A state-issued cryptocurrency
Iran is accelerating the plans for a national cryptocurrency in response to U.S. sanctions which could otherwise threaten international settlements,
Tokyo-based insurer Sompo teams up with Africa’s BitPesa to digitize remittance
Tokyo-based insurer Sompo teams up with Africa’s BitPesa to digitize remittance
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